AWO — Ini­ti­al coun­sel­ling for migrants


Sin­ce the begin­ning of 2005, the AWO Mig­ra­ti­on Coun­se­ling Ser­vi­ce in the city of Karls­ru­he has been offe­ring coun­se­ling and sup­port to immig­rants and the­ir families.

Our goal is to sup­port and accom­pany immig­rants in the­ir indi­vi­du­al integ­ra­ti­on pro­cess. The need-ori­en­ted indi­vi­du­al coun­se­ling covers topics such as work, resi­den­ce, edu­ca­ti­on and lan­gu­age, housing, every­day life and leisu­re, family, finan­ces and health.