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Afri­ca on focus: Afri­KA Uni­on pre­sents: Niger

Friday, 30 September 2022

Focus on Africa:
In this seri­es of events, peop­le from dif­fe­rent count­ri­es in Afri­ca talk abo­ut the­ir count­ri­es of ori­gin. This event pre­sents the country Niger. The lec­tu­re gives an insight into his­tory, poli­tics and culture.

Spe­aker: Dipl. Ing. Maman Lami­nou Ousman-Doauda;
Hono­rary Con­sul of the Repub­lic of Niger in Germany

Ent­ran­ce 6:45 p.m., start 7 p.m.

Hedef kitlesi: hepsi
Bu davet ücretsizdir
Inter­na­ti­ona­les Begeg­nungs­zent­rum Karls­ru­he e.V.
Kaise­ral­lee 12d, 76133 Karls­ru­he


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Bu etkinlik bilgileri güncellenmiştir: 8. February 2023