Aso­ci­a­ția Jugen­dhil­fe Karlsruhe

The Vere­in für Jugen­dhil­fe e.V. Karl­sru­he is a recog­ni­sed pro­vi­der of volun­ta­ry you­th and delinqu­ent aid. We offer a wide ran­ge of ser­vi­ces and pro­jects in the area of help with upbrin­ging, out­pa­ti­ent help and inde­pen­dent help for delinqu­ents. Our gui­ding prin­ci­ple: We offer pro­fes­sio­nal, indi­vi­du­al and solu­tion-orien­ted help for self-help for young and adult peo­ple and fami­li­es in spe­cial soci­al situations.