
With over 1,200 mem­bers, Cyber­Fo­rum as a non-pro­fit asso­ci­a­tion is the lar­gest regio­na­l­ly acti­ve High­te­ch. Unternehmer.Netzwerk. in Euro­pe. From start-ups and softwa­re com­pa­nies to expe­rien­ced entre­pre­ne­urs and inter­na­tio­nal infor­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­ders to resear­ch insti­tu­tions and uni­ver­si­ti­es — Cyber­Fo­rum brin­gs them all toge­ther. A plat­form for networ­king as a direct link betwe­en com­pe­ten­ce, busi­ne­ss con­tacts and care­er prospects.