Bolz­plat­zli­ga Karl­sruhe 2024

Bolz­plat­zli­ga Karl­sruhe 2024

Inter­cul­tur­al under­stand­ing among young peo­ple through the fun of soc­cer The “Bolz­plat­zli­ga Karl­sruhe” is a project for inter­cul­tur­al under­stand­ing between chil­dren and young peo­ple of dif­fer­ent cul­tures  and nation­al ori­gins. read more

LGBTIQ* in Karl­sruhe — Assistance

LGBTIQ* in Karl­sruhe — Assistance

Con­sul­ta­tions groups and ini­tia­tives for queer peo­ple in Karl­sruhe ILSE (Ini­tia­tive of Les­bian and Gay Par­ents) Karl­sruhe is an open group for all rain­bow fam­i­lies and those who want to read more

Acrylic Pour­ing Course at ibz

Acrylic Pour­ing Course at ibz

Acrylic Pour­ing Course Price: 5€ per week + mate­r­i­al The tech­nique of “pour­ing” in paint­ing refers to the spilling or pour­ing of col­ors. Unlike tra­di­tion­al meth­ods where col­ors are applied read more

Hiphop empow­er­ment work­shop for teenagers

Are you dif­fer­ent, col­or­ful and loud? are you inter­est­ed in top­ics such as racism, homo­pho­bia and sex­ism? then you are right here! The top­ic of anti-dis­­crim­i­­na­­tion will be dis­cussed and processed read more

What is AniKA

Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karl­sruhe The Net­work Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karl­sruhe is an alliance of stake­hold­ers work­ing on inte­gra­tion pol­i­cy in the city of Karl­sruhe. The goal of the read more

Film Woan­ders Über­all in Kinemathek

Film Woan­ders Über­all in Kinemathek

Ini­ti­at­ed by the Karl­sruhe Wom­en’s House “Woanders.Überall” (Every­where else) Film on the top­ic of “Vio­lence against women” 📽️ Free admis­sion The film project “WOANDERS ÜBERALL” adapts the play of the same name read more

Learn Ger­man online

Some web­sites offer the pos­si­bil­i­ty to learn Ger­man online for free. Here are some links: Learn Ger­­man-Ukrain­ian and Ukrain­ian-Ger­­man online



Willkom­men­scafé Infor­ma­tion, ori­en­ta­tion, help and con­tact for immi­grants The project “Wel­come to Karl­sruhe” offers ini­tial infor­ma­tion and ori­en­ta­tion for immi­grants from a sin­gle source. We want to help you feel read more

Advice and Sup­port for Migrants

Advice and Sup­port for Migrants

Advice and sup­port for migrants before, dur­ing and after an inte­gra­tion course offered by the Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­mans from Rus­sia The MBE address­es: Acqui­si­tion of the Ger­man lan­guage Place­ment on read more

The Social Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem in Germany

The Social Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem in Germany

Online sem­i­nar in Eng­lish The Social Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem in Ger­many online via Zoom How does the social secu­ri­ty sys­tem work in Ger­many? Social insur­ance is one of the first admin­is­tra­tive top­ics read more

Geht was?! — Voca­tion­al orientation

Geht was?! — Voca­tion­al orientation

Geht was?! — Voca­tion­al ori­en­ta­tion For young peo­ple between 15 and 27 The project Geht was?! is a com­ple­men­tary and accom­pa­ny­ing coun­sel­ing and place­ment ser­vice. It is aimed at young peo­ple read more



In 2022, the cul­tur­al asso­ci­a­tion wirk­statt e.V. wel­comes ‘The World of Folk­lore’ back to the Friedrich­splatz in the mid­dle of Karl­sruhe’s city cen­ter. In the fields of dance, music and read more

Inte­gra­tion course

Inte­gra­tion cours­es are lan­guage cours­es that help you to become a part of Ger­man soci­ety. The inte­gra­tion course includes both a lan­guage course and a ori­en­ta­tion course that gives you read more

Chil­dren paint­ing work­shop child & art

Chil­dren paint­ing work­shop child & art

The chil­dren’s paint­ing work­shop aims to cre­ate a free space for holis­tic devel­op­ment in which chil­dren can unfold their worlds of col­or and form. Through nar­rat­ed chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture, both visu­al read more

Anti-Dis­crim­i­na­tion Office Karlsruhe

Anti-Dis­crim­i­na­tion Office Karlsruhe

The Anti-Dis­­crim­i­­na­­tion Office Karl­sruhe pro­vides con­sul­ta­tion and sup­port for peo­ple who have expe­ri­enced dis­crim­i­na­tion Who can con­tact us? We sup­port all peo­ple who are direct­ly or indi­rect­ly affect­ed by dis­crim­i­na­tion. Our read more

Social secu­ri­ty num­ber and tax number

Social secu­ri­ty card If you want to work in Ger­many, you need a Sozialver­sicherungsausweis (social secu­ri­ty card) with a Sozialver­sicherungsnum­mer (social secu­ri­ty num­ber). Your health insur­ance com­pa­ny, the Bun­de­sagen­tur für Arbeit read more

AWO — Par­ents meeting

AWO — Par­ents meeting

Inter­na­tion­al This Par­ents meet­ing is intend­ed to give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get in touch with oth­er par­ents. Our qual­i­fied and com­pe­tent spe­cial­ists will be hap­py to give you advice read more

Vis­it­ing a doctor

If you are ill, you should first go to a Hausarzt (gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er). If you have chil­dren, you can take them to a Kinder­arzt (pae­di­a­tri­cian). You can find doc­tors’ address­es read more

Azu­bi-Speed-Dat­ing — IHK

Azu­bi-Speed-Dat­ing — IHK

Are you look­ing for an appren­tice­ship for 2023? Start your appren­tice­ship or dual stud­ies now and join speed dat­ing! In order to bring togeth­er young peo­ple look­ing for a train­ing read more