Look­ing for a job

How can you find a job or a train­ing course? If you don’t have a job, you can reg­is­ter with the Agen­tur für Arbeit Kar­l­s­ruhe-Ras­­tatt (Employ­ment Agency) inKarl­sruhe. There you read more



Inte­gra­tion Man­age­ment — Sus­tain­able inte­gra­tion of refugees liv­ing in Karl­sruhe Refugees liv­ing in Karl­sruhe in fol­low-up accom­mo­da­tion are sup­port­ed with the aim of build­ing an inde­pen­dent life. This can only read more

What is AniKA

Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karl­sruhe The Net­work Ani­KA – Arriv­ing in Karl­sruhe is an alliance of stake­hold­ers work­ing on inte­gra­tion pol­i­cy in the city of Karl­sruhe. The goal of the read more