Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes

Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes

BIOS Vic­tim Pro­tec­tion Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes The Treat­ment Ini­tia­tive for Vic­tim Pro­tec­tion (BIOS-BW) e. V. is an asso­ci­a­tion of judges, pub­lic pros­e­cu­tors, lawyers, psy­chol­o­gists and read more

INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karl­sruhe 2024

INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karl­sruhe 2024

With free admis­sion, the INDIA SUMMER DAYS present the diverse cul­ture of India and cel­e­brate the long-stand­ing, strong Ger­­man-Indi­an part­ner­ship. In addi­tion to a mul­ti-day stage pro­gram with dance, live music read more

Fair­trade City Karlsruhe

Fair­trade City Karlsruhe

Com­mit­ment to Fair Trade Behind the Fair­trade City of Karl­sruhe are all the peo­ple who buy Fair Trade prod­ucts, inform peo­ple about Fair Trade, tell oth­ers about it and get involved read more

Afro­dance with Nicky

Afro­dance with Nicky

Every first Tues­day of the month, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know the rous­ing rhythms and dynam­ic dance styles of Africa. Don’t miss the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make read more

Meet­ing Points for Moms and Dads

Meet­ing Points for Moms and Dads

Moth­ers’ Cafés, Par­ents’ Cafés, “Start Point” Par­ents’ Cafés, Breast­feed­ing moms and Fathers’ Meet­ings The dif­fer­ent meet­ing points for par­ents and fam­i­lies offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get in touch with read more

Soc­cer for girls

Soc­cer for girls

Soc­cer for girls The City of Karl­sruhe’s School and Sports Depart­ment, in coop­er­a­tion with the Post Süd­stadt Karl­sruhe sports club, is offer­ing a free soc­cer pro­gramme for girls as a fur­ther read more

Kick-off: Busi­ness Lab by SINGA

Kick-off: Busi­ness Lab by SINGA

Kick-off: Busi­ness Lab by SINGA Are you new to Ger­many and want to open your own busi­ness? The Busi­ness Lab will sup­port you from Feb­ru­ary 2, 2024! Here you can learn from read more

Open day at the ibz

Open day at the ibz

Open day at the ibz You can expect a col­or­ful pro­gram with music, dance, advice, deli­cious food and chil­dren’s activ­i­ties. The asso­ci­a­tions and projects in the house intro­duce them­selves. Pro­gram in read more

Java advanced for refugees and migrants

Java advanced for refugees and migrants

EduRef We’re so excit­ed to announce the Java Advanced Pro­gram­ming Course for refugees and migrants! Dates: 9 Evenings, from 11.06.2024 to 21.06.2024 / 18–19:30 h. 💻 No com­put­er required Descrip­tion read more

Job fair for migrant women

Job fair for migrant women

For migrant women This is your chance to shine! Join us for a job fair where you can meet employ­ers and learn about job oppor­tu­ni­ties. The Dis­trict Inte­gra­tion Office of read more

Tan­dem Ger­man-Span­ish with coffee

Tan­dem Ger­man-Span­ish with coffee

Tan­dem Ger­­man-Span­ish with cof­fee Get to know new peo­ple and prac­tise your Span­ish and Ger­man lan­guage skills! There will be hot and cold drinks with cof­fee and cocoa. And, of read more

Arrive app for Migra­tion and Refugees

Arrive app for Migra­tion and Refugees

Arrive app for Migra­tion and Refugees Under­stand­ing how Ger­many works is the basis for good coex­is­tence. Every­one has the same oblig­a­tions and must abide by Ger­man law. But every­one also read more

Infor­ma­tion Exchange for Immigrants

Infor­ma­tion Exchange for Immigrants

Infor­ma­tion Exchange for Immi­grants and Inter­est­ed Par­ties on the Top­ic of “Work, Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing What hap­pens after the lan­guage course? How do I find a train­ing posi­tion or a read more

Wom­en’s coun­sel­ing cen­ter for domes­tic violence

Wom­en’s coun­sel­ing cen­ter for domes­tic violence

Wom­en’s coun­sel­ing cen­ter for domes­tic vio­lence At our coun­selling cen­tre in Kriegsstraße, we offer psy­cho­log­i­cal and psy­choso­cial coun­selling and sup­port for women who have expe­ri­enced psy­cho­log­i­cal, phys­i­cal and/or sex­u­al­ized vio­lence read more

Learn­ing Ger­man through Play

Learn­ing Ger­man through Play

With the project Learn­ing Ger­man through Play the Land­mannschaft der Deutschen aus Rus­s­land e.V. sup­ports Ukrain­ian chil­dren not only with the lan­guage but also with their inte­gra­tion into soci­ety. We read more

Busi­ness Lab by SINGA

Busi­ness Lab by SINGA

Do you want to start your busi­ness in Ger­many or become self-employed? The Busi­ness Lab sup­ports you. Busi­ness Lab by SINGA is a 5‑month online entre­pre­neur­ship pro­gram for and with new­com­ers. read more

Coun­sel­ing on the Ger­man health system

Coun­sel­ing on the Ger­man health system

Coun­sel­ing on the Ger­man health sys­tem is the new ser­vice offered  by the asso­ci­a­tion Fre­unde für Fremde e.V. in Karl­sruhe. Here, peo­ple have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to receive quick and com­pe­tent read more

After Work Inter­na­tion­al at the Hem­ing­way Lounge

After Work Inter­na­tion­al at the Hem­ing­way Lounge

The Feier­abend Inter­na­tion­al event series was devel­oped to facil­i­tate access to cul­tur­al and social par­tic­i­pa­tion for inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als in Karl­sruhe in addi­tion to their pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ties. The core of the read more

Bal­let evening at the Badis­ches Staatstheater

Bal­let evening at the Badis­ches Staatstheater

Invi­ta­tion to Bal­let evening at the Badis­ches Staat­sthe­ater Karl­sruhe »ZUKUNFT CHOREOGRAFIE« In coop­er­a­tion with the Badis­ches Staat­sthe­ater Karl­sruhe, we would like to invite you to an Inter­na­tion­al Come Togeth­er Spe­cial:Get read more