Skilled Work­ers Roadshow

Skilled Work­ers Roadshow

Are you look­ing for a job? From  20 — 30 June, 2022 our Skilled Work­ers Mobile is on the road for you The Karl­sruhe IHK’s Skilled Work­ers Mobile is going on tour read more

Fam­i­ly Info Day — Infor­ma­tion and advice

Fam­i­ly Info Day — Infor­ma­tion and advice

Fam­i­ly Info Day Infor­ma­tion and advice on career prospects, finan­cial aid and region­al sup­port ser­vices Get infor­ma­tion on: o Child­care options o Karl­sruhe chil­dren’s pass o Recre­ation­al activ­i­ties for chil­dren o Health read more

Apart­ment search newspapers

Apart­ment search newspapers

If you are look­ing for a new home, we can give you a few tips. Just have a look in the ser­vice sec­tions of the region­al and local news­pa­pers or browse read more

Amer­i­can Library in Karlsruhe

Amer­i­can Library in Karlsruhe

Amerikanis­che Bib­lio­thek Karl­sruhe The Amer­i­can Library is an Eng­lish-lan­guage library locat­ed in the Nord­stadt of Karl­sruhe. It is part of the Stadt­bib­lio­thek Karl­sruhe, there­fore all you need to check out read more

My train­ing for the WELCOME GUIDE

My train­ing for the WELCOME GUIDE

My train­ing for the WELCOME GUIDE Vol­un­teer for inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als & stu­dents pro­fes­sion­als & stu­dents in the Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karl­sruhe. We are look­ing for peo­ple who would like to vol­un­teer as read more

Franzö­sisch ler­nen und Kul­tur erleben

Franzö­sisch ler­nen und Kul­tur erleben

Stiftung Cen­tre Cul­turel Fran­co-Alle­mand The non-prof­it foun­da­tion CCFA Karl­sruhe is a bilin­gual cul­tur­al and lan­guage cen­ter in the heart of Karl­sruhe. Sie laden dich ein, Franzö­sisch zu ler­nen und die read more



Ger­man lan­guage skills: B1 or high­er, Ger­man as a first or for­eign lan­guage Rota­tion: 1 x per month, 2 hrs. Costs: free of charge For: Adults Loca­tion: Cul­tur­al his­to­ry muse­ums in read more



sick with­out papers? Medinetz Karl­sruhe is a med­ical coun­sel­ing and place­ment cen­ter for undoc­u­ment­ed migrants, peo­ple with­out health insur­ance or with­out res­i­dence sta­tus, refugees and home­less peo­ple who have no read more

LiNK — Idea Lab in Karlsruhe

LiNK — Idea Lab in Karlsruhe

LiNK — Idea Lab in Karl­sruhe LiNK is a coop­er­a­tion of 4 orga­ni­za­tions in Baden-Würt­tem­berg and Alsace (SINGA Stuttgart, Impact Hub Karl­sruhe, SINGA Stras­bourg and La Mai­son de l’Em­ploi de read more

Wel­come Cen­ter Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karlsruhe

Wel­come Cen­ter Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karlsruhe

We — the Wel­come Cen­ter Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karl­sruhe — advise inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als and young pro­fes­sion­als who want to work and live in the Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion. Do you have pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions? Would you read more

Advice cen­ters for migrants

There are sev­er­al advice cen­ters in Karl­sruhe for new immi­grants and all migrants. There are migra­tion advice cen­ters for adults and young peo­ple as well as advice cen­ters for spe­cif­ic read more

Meet­up: Entre­pre­neurs & Friends

Meet­up: Entre­pre­neurs & Friends

Meet oth­er entre­pre­neurs and peo­ple inter­est­ed in found­ing in the region! Are you ready for an evening full of fruit­ful con­nec­tions? 🌿✨ Why take part? 🍇 Fruit­ful net­work­ing: Meet project devel­op­ers from read more

Inter­na­tion­al Come Togeth­er Net­work­ing at HUBWERK01

Inter­na­tion­al Come Togeth­er Net­work­ing at HUBWERK01

For inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als, net­work part­ners and inter­est­ed par­ties The Wel­come Cen­ter of the Tech­nolo­gieRe­gion Karl­sruhe invites inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als to the HubWerk01: This infor­mal meet­ing offers inter­na­tion­al pro­fes­sion­als and stu­dents the read more

Pool of Translaters

Pool of Translaters

for migrants The Inter­preters Pool Project of the city of Karl­sruhe start­ed on March 2015 and is financed by the City’s Inte­gra­tion Office (Büro für Inte­gra­tion). Through the employ­ment of read more

INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karl­sruhe 2024

INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karl­sruhe 2024

With free admis­sion, the INDIA SUMMER DAYS present the diverse cul­ture of India and cel­e­brate the long-stand­ing, strong Ger­­man-Indi­an part­ner­ship. In addi­tion to a mul­ti-day stage pro­gram with dance, live music read more

Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes

Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes

BIOS Vic­tim Pro­tec­tion Help for vic­tims of vio­lence or sex­u­al crimes The Treat­ment Ini­tia­tive for Vic­tim Pro­tec­tion (BIOS-BW) e. V. is an asso­ci­a­tion of judges, pub­lic pros­e­cu­tors, lawyers, psy­chol­o­gists and read more

Fair­trade City Karlsruhe

Fair­trade City Karlsruhe

Com­mit­ment to Fair Trade Behind the Fair­trade City of Karl­sruhe are all the peo­ple who buy Fair Trade prod­ucts, inform peo­ple about Fair Trade, tell oth­ers about it and get involved read more

Afro­dance with Nicky

Afro­dance with Nicky

Every first Tues­day of the month, we give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know the rous­ing rhythms and dynam­ic dance styles of Africa. Don’t miss the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make read more

Meet­ing Points for Moms and Dads

Meet­ing Points for Moms and Dads

Moth­ers’ Cafés, Par­ents’ Cafés, “Start Point” Par­ents’ Cafés, Breast­feed­ing moms and Fathers’ Meet­ings The dif­fer­ent meet­ing points for par­ents and fam­i­lies offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get in touch with read more

Soc­cer for girls

Soc­cer for girls

Soc­cer for girls The City of Karl­sruhe’s School and Sports Depart­ment, in coop­er­a­tion with the Post Süd­stadt Karl­sruhe sports club, is offer­ing a free soc­cer pro­gramme for girls as a fur­ther read more