COLA TAXI OKAY is an inter­cul­tur­al project space that aims to cre­ate a place for encoun­ters, exchange and cre­ative work. We want to enable mutu­al cul­tur­al inte­gra­tion, in any form and for every­one — Karl­sruhe res­i­dents as well as immi­grants and refugees.

If you feel like start­ing your own event in our space, or even if you just have some vague ideas you’d like to dis­cuss with us, come by and we’ll help you plan and imple­ment it. Or just talk to us at your next event! From cook­ing evenings, the­ater work­shops, jam ses­sions, dis­cus­sions or bazaars to movie nights, par­ties, and exhi­bi­tions — there are no lim­its to your imagination!

You already have a con­crete idea or you just want to have a look: We meet every Tues­day at 19:00 o’clock for a team meet­ing in our room at Kro­nen­platz and then sit togeth­er infor­mal­ly from about 20:30 o’clock. Feel free to come by!