
Here you will find infor­ma­tion and con­tact details for migrant organ­i­sa­tions, com­mu­ni­ties and inter­cul­tur­al ini­tia­tives in Karl­sruhe.
Most migrant organ­i­sa­tions are active at a local lev­el as asso­ci­a­tions and work on a vol­un­tary basis.

Are you active­ly involved in inte­gra­tion and inter­cul­tur­al exchange on a vol­un­tary basis?
Are you part of a com­mu­ni­ty, a migrant asso­ci­a­tion or a migrant group?
📧 Send us an e‑mail to: with the fol­low­ing information:

  • Con­tact address
  • Con­tact per­son of the asso­ci­a­tion or group
  • Focus or goals of the organisation
  • Tar­get groups
  • Activ­i­ties or events

or just fill the form below.

Make your asso­ci­a­tion visible



Con­tact person

Main con­tact person

About the organisation

Type of the organ­i­sa­tion(Required)
Focus or goals of the organisation
Tar­get groups