Ger­man cours­es and meet­ing offers

There are also Ger­man cours­es and meet­ing offers in Karl­sruhe orga­nized by inde­pen­dent asso­ci­a­tions or oth­er institutions.

  • These cours­es are open to any­one who wants to learn Ger­man, includ­ing those who are not allowed to attend inte­gra­tion courses
  • These Ger­man cours­es are always avail­able for free
  • Par­tic­i­pa­tion is entire­ly voluntary

Ger­man cours­es and meet­ing offers for all

NEW! Make lan­guages easy! A1 from 28.01.2025

For migrants
✔️ Speak­ing prac­tice (A1)
✔️ Deal­ing with media
✔️ Doing some­thing togeth­er (1st aid course, cook­ing together)

📆Tues­day, Wednes­day and Thurs­day
🕘 9 am — 12:15 pm
Course peri­od: 28.01.2025 to 06.08.2025

Inquiries and appli­ca­tions to:
AAW e.V. 📍Gries­bach­straße 12, 76185
📞 0721 850 290

Sup­port­ed by: Baden-Würt­tem­berg — Min­istry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration

NEW! C1 Lan­guage course exam prepa­ra­tion from 20.01.2025

Course peri­od: 20.01.2025 to 17.07.2025
📆 Mon­day — Thurs­day
🕘 9:15 am — 1:15 pm

The course is aimed at young immi­grants up to the age of 27 who have already reached B2 lev­el, may have a for­eign edu­ca­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tion and are aim­ing for a Ger­man uni­ver­si­ty degree.

Con­tact per­son for reg­is­tra­tion:
Bir­git Ker­sten
IB📍 Schef­fel­straße 11 — 17, 76135 Karl­sruhe
📞 0160 9494 56 52

Sup­port­ed by: Baden-Würt­tem­berg — Min­istry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration

Sprecht miteinan­der! at BZM

At the Bürg­erzen­trum Mühlburg (BZM)
📍 Wein­bren­ner­straße 79 a, 76185 Karl­sruhe
📆 Wednes­days and Fri­days
🕢 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
🌐 Web­site

Sprech­Punkt at ibz

At the Inter­na­tion­al Meet­ing Cen­ter, ibz
📍 Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karl­sruhe
📆 Mon­days, 6:30 to 8 pm (online) and Thurs­days, 6:30 to 8 pm
🌐 to the offer

Ger­man lessons by Fre­unde für Fremde e.V. at ibz

Free Ger­man lessons in cours­es or as indi­vid­ual lessons.
All lev­els
For asy­lum seek­ers and peo­ple who are not enti­tled to an inte­gra­tion course.

At the Inter­na­tion­al Meet­ing Cen­ter, ibz
📍 Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karl­sruhe, Ger­many
🌐 Web­site

Ger­man cours­es for refugees

Ger­man cours­es by Men­non­i­tis­chen Hilfswerk

📍 At the Men­schen­recht­szen­trum
📆 From Mon­days to Fri­days, vol­un­teers offer free Ger­man lessons for refugees on the premis­es of the Men­non­ite Relief Organization.

✔️ All lev­els
✔️ A warm and friend­ly atmos­phere.
🌐 Web­site

Ger­man lessons in the Lern­box by Flüchtling­shil­fe Karl­sruhe e.V.

At the Lern­box
📍 Alte Schlachthof 11, 76131 Karl­sruhe
📆 Mon­day to Fri­day
🕒 15:00 to 18:00
🌐 Web­site

Ini­tial cours­es in cul­tur­al ori­en­ta­tion and lan­guage by Fre­un­deskreis Asyl e.V. and Debüt e.V.

✔️ For refugees with unclear prospects of stay­ing.
If places are also avail­able, rec­og­nized refugees and tol­er­at­ed per­sons can also take part. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in an inte­gra­tion course is not (yet) possible.

Offer of the Fre­un­deskreis Asyl e.V.
Offers from Debüt e.V.

Cours­es for women

Low-thresh­old wom­en’s cours­es by Fre­un­deskreis Asyl e.V.

At the Men­schen­recht­szen­trum
📍Alter Schlachthof 59, 76131 Karl­sruhe
✔️ Learn­ing Ger­man, top­ics rel­e­vant to every­day life and ori­en­ta­tion in soci­ety.
🧸 Child­care is pro­vid­ed for the chil­dren of course par­tic­i­pants dur­ing the cours­es.
🌐 Web­site

Tandems or meet­ing offers

Tan­dem part­ner match­ing at vhs

Reg­is­tra­tion: on the plat­form of the adult edu­ca­tion cen­ter.
Tan­dem part­ner: Ger­man or anoth­er lan­guage.
🌐 Web­site

Meet­ing offers for parents

Meet­ing points for par­ents can be found here:
📎 Meet­ing offers

This page was last updated: 2025-01-20