
Social coun­se­ling for Ita­lians in pen­sions and social affairs

Jeudi 09:00 – 12:00

Social coun­se­ling for Ita­lians in pen­sions and social affairs

- Social wel­fare benefits
– Pensions
– Acci­dents, occu­pa­tio­nal diseases

ITALUIL helps you to solve pro­blems concer­ning your pension.
Often Ita­lians living in Ger­ma­ny have paid their pen­sion contri­bu­tions both in Ger­ma­ny and in Ita­ly. ITALUIL takes care of all the pro­ce­dures concer­ning the Ita­lian, Ger­man and other Euro­pean social secu­ri­ty institutions.

ITALUIL also pro­vides consul­ting ser­vices in rela­ted fields : Citi­zen’s Allo­wance, Basic Secu­ri­ty, Long-Term Care Insu­rance, Occu­pa­tio­nal Diseases, Severe Disability.

ITALUIL takes care of the social affairs of Ita­lians and is the­re­fore a contact point for their com­pa­triots for pro­blems of this kind.

Group cible: (for Italians)
Cette offre est gratuite
Kai­se­ral­lee 12 d, 76133 Karls­ruhe


Les informations relatives à cet événement ont été mises à jour :  7. July 2023