
Coun­sel­ling for refu­gees from Afri­ca and non-EU migrants

We take care in Karls­ruhe and dis­trict, resp. 

Sur­roun­dings around Soma­li and other Afri­can refu­gees. Not only refu­gees, but also long-time resi­dents from Soma­lia and other Afri­can countries.

We can assist you with the fol­lo­wing topics, among others :

  • Resi­dence : Ques­tions about resi­dence in Germany.
  • Fami­ly : Ques­tions about fami­ly reunification
  • Lan­guage : Pla­ce­ment in inte­gra­tion courses and other Ger­man courses.
  • Work : appli­ca­tions and the search for inter­n­ships and jobs and mediate in ques­tions about the recog­ni­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal qualifications.
  • Health : For health-rela­ted ques­tions (e.g. doc­tor, health insurance)
  • Chil­dren and fami­ly : ques­tions about kin­der­gar­ten, school and voca­tio­nal training
  • Finan­cial mat­ters : ques­tions about child bene­fit, hou­sing bene­fit, pay­ments from the job centre and other benefits
  • Mobi­li­ty : dri­ving licence, bus, train or tram – we show you how to get around
  • Lei­sure : Ques­tions about lei­sure acti­vi­ties and lei­sure faci­li­ties in your area

Our consul­ta­tion is free of charge. We also advise in English.

We also have lan­guage faci­li­ta­tors, espe­cial­ly Soma­li, Gam­bian and Eritrean.

We are also hap­py to take care of women’s issues, fami­ly conflicts and edu­ca­tio­nal problems.


Mon­day : 10am till 2pm

Fri­day : 10am till 2pm

Group cible:
Cet évènement n'est pas gratuit
Kai­se­ral­lee 12d, 76133 Karls­ruhe
Les informations relatives à cet événement ont été mises à jour :  19. October 2021