During the event we want to deal with our experiences of racism as men* of color and empower each other. This will take place in a safe space, in which our own experiences will be discussed and exchanged. From this, positions, solidarity and possibilities for action can be developed with each other.
Target group: This seminar is aimed at multipliers* of color (with a migration background) in pedagogical work who define themselves as men* and want to share their experiences of racism in an empowerment space and position themselves critically on the topic of “sexism”.
Date Tuesday, 09.11.2021
Time 10 a.m. — 1 p.m.
Registration until Thursday, 04.11.2021 via the following contact:
Contact Ralph Himmer (0761) 79032113 ralph.himmer@caritas-freiburg.de
Speaker: Birol Mertol | FUMA Fachstelle Gender & Diversity NRW
The training will be conducted digitally via ZOOM.
Flyer to download
This event is gratis