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Work­shop: Cre­ate stun­ning por­traits with your smartphone

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Fin­ca Roast­ers Karlsruhe

Work­shop: Cre­ate stun­ning por­traits with your smartphone

Preis: 40€  —  Reg­is­tra­tion hier

In our two-hour work­shop, you’ll learn the following:
Light and its role in por­trait pho­tog­ra­phy: we will dis­cuss how to effec­tive­ly use the light you have.
● The art of per­spec­tive: learn how choos­ing the right per­spec­tive can enhance your por­trait shots
● The Focus of Your Choice: You’ll learn how to decide where the focus should be in your por­traits to get the results you want.
Flat­ter­ing posi­tion­ing: get prac­ti­cal advice and tech­niques on how to posi­tion the peo­ple in your por­traits in a more flat­ter­ing way.
● Your smart­phone as a cre­ative tool: I’ll show you how to use your phone’s fea­tures and how to use them intentionally
Image edit­ing made easy: I’ll show you how to eas­i­ly edit your shots direct­ly on your smart­phone to get the most out of your portraits.
In addi­tion, we’ll do hands-on exer­cis­es where you can put what you’ve learned into prac­tice. By the end of the work­shop, you will have improved your pho­tog­ra­phy skills and be able to cre­ate beau­ti­ful por­traits with your smartphone.

Upon com­ple­tion of the work­shop, you will also receive a PDF that con­tains a clear sum­ma­ry of the top­ics cov­ered and exer­cis­es that you can fur­ther explore on your own.


Target group: all (Photography enthusiasts, beginners)
This event is not gratis
Emanuela Nesko
Augarten­straße 30A, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  19. October 2023