

Monday 9:00 - 11:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00

The ↗ Wald­klassen­z­im­mer (for­est class­room) has been used as a con­tact point for for­est edu­ca­tion events since 1996.
It can only be used by pri­or appoint­ment or on the dis­cov­ery and craft days in the annu­al program.

Activ­i­ty area: Here, chil­dren can sat­is­fy their nat­ur­al need for move­ment and climb, bal­ance, run, romp and devel­op their motor skills. Whether it’s the tree labyrinth, rab­bit hole, adven­ture course or tree house — the chil­dren quick­ly devel­op ideas, activ­i­ties and role-play­ing games that are not pre­de­ter­mined, but devel­oped from their own imagination.

Sen­so­ry area: Nature is not only expe­ri­enced cog­ni­tive­ly in the for­est class­room, but with all the sens­es. A bare­foot course, the sound hut and the sen­so­ry trail invite you to do so.

Biotope area: The biotope area includes, among oth­er things: Pond, orchard mead­ow, dry stone wall or gar­den (coop­er­a­tion project with BUND).
These habi­tats lend them­selves to com­par­i­son with the for­est ecosys­tem. With the help of the wild bee wall or the Tier-WG, mea­sures for applied species pro­tec­tion are presented.

Annu­al pro­gram — Waldklassenzimmer

The ↗ annu­al pro­gram is aimed at fam­i­lies and adults who are inter­est­ed in the for­est, nature and envi­ron­men­tal issues in their free time and enjoy shared expe­ri­ences in a group.
We have sev­er­al vaca­tion activ­i­ties for chil­dren in our program.

Fam­i­lies out and about in the forest

Here you will find ↗ var­i­ous activ­i­ties for fam­i­lies that can be done on your own, with­out guidance.
You will get an overview of the for­est play­grounds and for­est adven­ture trails in the sur­round­ing area.
We have also designed var­i­ous ral­lies for you.


The for­est class­room is locat­ed in the mid­dle of the Hardt­wald for­est on Kanal­weg between Linken­heimer Allee and Graben­er Allee.
The neigh­bor­ing for­est cen­ter is about 200 meters away and can be reached on foot via the Rät­sel­wald. ↗ Site plan

Target group: families, teens, children
This offer is not gratis
Linken­heimer Allee 10, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-11-21