
Cul­ture for all — Volks­bühne Karl­sruhe e.V.

Monday 10:00 - 13:00
Friday 10:00 - 13:00

We make it pos­si­ble to vis­it the the­atre at a rea­son­able price

Cul­ture for all

We offer 11 dif­fer­ent the­atre sub­scrip­tions. You choose, we deliv­er the tick­ets for the desired num­ber of per­for­mances in Karl­sruhe the­atres of your choice.

With your order you become a mem­ber of the Volks­bühne e. V. (free of charge!) and ben­e­fit from our wide range of services.

The fol­low­ing the­aters are includ­ed in our program:

  • Badis­ches Staat­sthe­ater Karlsruhe
  • Cham­ber Theater
  • Sand­ko­rn Theater
  • Jakobus The­ater
  • The Owls
  • d’ Badisch Bühn
  • Tem­pel Cul­tur­al Center
  • Ettlin­gen Cas­tle Festival
  • marotte The­ater Karlsruhe
  • Karl­sruhe Mas­ter Con­certs in the Konzerthaus
  • WIENER KLASSIK at the Konzerthaus
Target group: all
This offer is not gratis
Frau Huhn; Herr Enzmann
Volks­bühne Karl­sruhe e.V.
Schiller­straße 23, 76135 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-11-14