
Vio­lence against women

Are you affect­ed by violence?
Fight back! Don’t be afraid to seek help and support

Vio­lence against women — Pro­tec­tion and sup­port in Karlsruhe

Vio­lence against women hap­pens every day and in dif­fer­ent ways:

  • It is vio­lence when a hus­band locks up his wife, threat­ens, beats, injures or rapes his wife.
  • It is vio­lence when fam­i­ly mem­bers, acquain­tances or strangers, girls or women want to impose a way of life
    that they do not want.
  • It is vio­lence when acquain­tances, col­leagues, supe­ri­ors or strangers harass, stalk or rape a woman.
  • It is vio­lence when women are forced into pros­ti­tu­tion or forced into pros­ti­tu­tion or marriage.
  • It is vio­lence when men from the fam­i­ly, neigh­bour­hood or cir­cle of acquain­tances force sex­u­al­ized acts on girls or boys.
  • It is vio­lence when peo­ple exploit the depen­dence or defence­less­ness of women and girls or cre­ate it (e.g. through knock­out drops).
  • It is vio­lence when women and girls are forced to look at pic­tures or films with misog­y­nis­tic content.

Are you affect­ed by domes­tic vio­lence or do you know some­one who is?


Emer­gency numbers
If you are in acute dan­ger, please dial one of the emer­gency numbers.

Police: 110
Wom­en’s shel­ter Karl­sruhe: 0721 56 78 24
Wom­en’s shel­ter SkF Karl­sruhe: 0721 82 44 66


Men can also be affect­ed by domes­tic violence.
Emer­gency number

Police: 110
📞 0800 1239900


The nationwide “Violence against women” helpline offers advice for victims and their families
It is available around the clock, 365 days a year. 
Calls can be made in 17 languages, anonymously and free of charge.

📞 08000 116 016


📎Hand­out Domes­tic vio­lence and sex­u­al­ized vio­lence — pro­tec­tion and help in Karlsruhe
📎Fold­out Domes­tic vio­lence and sex­u­al­ized vio­lence — pro­tec­tion and help in Karlsruhe
📎Vio­lence against women – Advice and Assis­tance to Women in Need

Pro­tec­tion from violence

Target group: all
This offer is gratis
Gle­ich­stel­lungs­beauf­tragte — Rathaus am Marktplatz
Karl-Friedrich-Straße 10, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  25. February 2025