Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Train­ing: Your way to becom­ing a cer­ti­fied para­medic or care­giv­er assistant

Monday, 14 November 2022

Infor­ma­tion about the qualification

The ZIEL qual­i­fi­ca­tion con­sists of three mod­ules that build on each oth­er. Fol­low­ing the advanced mod­ule, a deci­sion can be made between qual­i­fy­ing as a para­medic (m/f/d) or as a care assis­tant (m/f/d).

Prepa­ra­tion mod­ule: First aider (m/f/d) from 14.11.2022

Advanced mod­ule: Care and para­medic assis­tant (m/f/d)

Spe­cial­ist mod­ule 1: Para­medic (m/f/d)

Spe­cial­ty mod­ule 2: Care assis­tant (m/f/d)

Tar­get group

The qual­i­fi­ca­tion is basi­cal­ly aimed at all per­sons who are eli­gi­ble for sup­port through the Employ­ment Agency or the Job Cen­ter. Since it includes both inten­sive Ger­man lan­guage sup­port and socio-ped­a­gog­i­cal sup­port through­out the entire qual­i­fi­ca­tion peri­od, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for peo­ple with a migra­tion back­ground (from lan­guage lev­el A2).

Costs/support options
Train­ing costs are cov­ered by acti­va­tion or edu­ca­tion vouch­ers issued by job cen­ters or employ­ment agen­cies. In addi­tion, private
insti­tu­tions can also declare that they will assume the costs.

–> More infor­ma­tion about the Ziel-project in Karl­sruhe soon

down­load fly­er

down­load fact­sheet

Target group: adults
This event is not gratis
Ste­fan Dosch M.A. / San­dra Schabert
Johan­niter-Unfall-Hil­fe e.V. Region­alver­band Baden
Franken­stein­er Str, 4a, 97887 Wertheim


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This event information was updated:  8. February 2023