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Train­ing to become a sports female mentor

Monday, 16 September 2024
Registration deadline
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
Get to know us

Do you like group sports?

Train­ing to become a sports famele mentor!

Would you like to pass on your love of sport and exer­cise? As a sports famele men­tor a group in a sports club.
Sports clubs need lots of peo­ple to lead sports activities.
You can train for this!

You will learn
▪ how to lead a sports group
▪ How to set up an exer­cise class
▪ a lot about the body and the effects of sport

The sem­i­nars are held in Ger­man in sim­ple lan­guage. 💡 We offer a vol­un­tary lan­guage course as support.
In the lan­guage course, you can repeat and learn tech­ni­cal terms from the train­ing with a teacher and oth­er women.

So that you can prac­tise lead­ing your own sports group, you will attend a sports group in addi­tion to the seminars.
There you can learn from an expe­ri­enced train­er and lead exer­cis­es yourself.

What does the train­ing cost?
There is no fixed price for par­tic­i­pa­tion. You pay as much as you can give. We want to give all women the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in the training.

📎Fly­er in Ger­man

✍🏽️ Link to registration

When and where does the train­ing take place?
Dates 1 to 4 take place in Stuttgart at the Lan­dess­ports­chule in Ruit (Ost­fildern).
The sports school is very easy to reach by sub­way or bus.
If required, we will try orga­nize child­care if required.
The lan­guage cours­es (option­al) take place in the Stuttgart city center.

Target group: women
This event is not gratis


This event information was updated:  31. July 2024