
Train­ing for migrants to become geri­atric care assistants

Train­ing for migrants to become geri­atric care assistants

Nurs­ing assis­tants for the elder­ly sup­port nurs­ing pro­fes­sion­als in all tasks relat­ed to the care of the elder­ly. They help with care, eat­ing and oth­er tasks in every­day life.

Do an appren­tice­ship and learn Ger­man at the same time!

You will learn:
— the Ger­man language
— the care of the elder­ly and peo­ple in need of care in nurs­ing homes, hos­pi­tals, their homes.

The train­ing in facts
— over 1.000 € gross monthly
— at the end Ger­man B2
— 2 years of train­ing in voca­tion­al school and nurs­ing facility
— extra for peo­ple who still speak lit­tle German

You bring with you:
— Ger­man lan­guage lev­el A2
— Plea­sure in deal­ing with elder­ly peo­ple who need help
— com­mu­nica­tive skills
— prac­ti­cal aptitude
— phys­i­cal fitness

Apply now!

Down­load fly­er

Target group: (for migrants )
This offer is not gratis


This event information was updated:  2. October 2023