
Sup­port for immi­grants on the sub­ject of training

13:00-16:00, only after appointment

Sup­port for immi­grants on the sub­ject of train­ing — PIAzA

In this project, immi­grants are sup­port­ed in their search for an edu­ca­tion, in the writ­ing of appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments and in their prepa­ra­tion for the job interview. 

Com­pa­nies and trainees can be advised for up to six months dur­ing their training.

  • Cur­rent­ly, many appren­tice­ship posi­tions — espe­cial­ly in the skilled trades — remain unfilled despite good career prospects.
  • At the same time, there are many young immi­grants in Ger­many — who are high­ly moti­vat­ed and have good prospects of staying.

Young immi­grants have an increased need for sup­port and infor­ma­tion in their search for a suit­able appren­tice­ship. They need infor­ma­tion about the Ger­man voca­tion­al train­ing sys­tem and the vari­ety of pos­si­ble occu­pa­tions. Sup­port is need­ed in select­ing a suit­able occu­pa­tion, find­ing train­ing places, prepar­ing appli­ca­tions and prepar­ing for job inter­views. The com­pa­ny needs help in cop­ing with legal require­ments for for­eign­ers and tar­get­ed sup­port in the event of dif­fi­cul­ties aris­ing dur­ing the train­ing, e.g. in the form of train­ing-relat­ed assis­tance (AbH).

PIAzA is a “care­tak­er project” as part of the “Inte­gra­tion through Train­ing — Prospects for Immi­grants” pro­gram of the Baden-Würt­tem­berg Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. In the PIAzA project, young immi­grants from all voca­tion­al schools in Karl­sruhe are sup­port­ed in their search for intern­ships or appren­tice­ships. The com­pa­nies and trainees can receive advice on ques­tions and prob­lems for up to six months after start­ing their training.


Target group: (Young immigrants)
This offer is gratis
Alisia Gille
ibz, 2.OG rechts
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-07-10