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Span­ish movie “Las letras de Jordi”

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Span­ish film “Las letras de Jor­di” from 2019 with sub­ti­tles. Dura­tion approx. 70 minutes.
Fol­lowed by a 30-minute bilin­gual exchange about the film in the foy­er of the Cin­e­math­eque; con­clu­sion at the Mex­i­can restau­rant ‘El Taquito’ in the Kaiserpassage.

Jor­di was born 51 years ago with cere­bral pal­sy. How­ev­er, he does not con­sid­er him­self sick. Although he can’t speak, he tries to chat through his card­board board. That’s how he com­mu­ni­cates with me. When he was 21 years old, he felt that God was speak­ing to him for the first time. Today, how­ev­er, after leav­ing his home and par­ents and mov­ing into a nurs­ing home, he does not feel God’s pres­ence. Jor­di is emp­ty because of his silence. This film is about the love of God and the word of a free man.

To whom: All cineast­es who like Span­ish cin­e­ma and films


Target group: all
This event is not gratis
Daniel Has­sel
Kine­math­ek Karlsruhe
Kaiser­pas­sage 6, 76133 Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated:  8. February 2023