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Span­ish cin­e­ma event at the Stadt­teil­bib­liotek Durlach

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Span­ish cin­e­ma event at the Stadt­teil­bib­liotek Durlach

The Stadt­teil­bib­lio­thek Durlach invites you to a Span­ish cin­e­ma evening!
You can see “Glo­ria” (Sebastián Lelio, 2013) in the orig­i­nal ver­sion with Ger­man subtitles.

Admis­sion starts at 6:30 pm, movie starts at 7 pm.

Lim­it­ed num­ber of participants!
Please reg­is­ter at:

We watch the film via Film­friend, the stream­ing ser­vice for libraries, which can be used with a library card of the Karl­sruhe Pub­lic Library: Sim­ply log in at with your library card num­ber and pass­word and start streaming.

Film­friend writes about “Glo­ria”:

You’ve got to love this woman! Glo­ria is 58 years old, divorced and her chil­dren are already out of the house. But she does­n’t want to spend her days and nights alone. Defy­ing her age and lone­li­ness, she dances at sin­gles par­ties full of joie de vivre and flirts for all she’s worth.

When she meets Rodol­fo, sev­en years her senior, she seems to have final­ly found a new love. But what begins pas­sion­ate­ly and lov­ing­ly soon turns into an emo­tion­al roller­coast­er for Glo­ria. Waver­ing between hope and dis­ap­point­ment, she final­ly real­izes that life still has much in store for her. Because this woman does­n’t let any­thing get her down. After every set­back, Glo­ria ris­es again and her star shines brighter than before.

GLORIA is the por­trait of a sym­pa­thet­ic, humor­ous and con­fi­dent woman who loves and lives life — a stir­ring hero­ine, the likes of which have not been seen on film for a long time. At the 63rd Berli­nale, GLORIA was the big audi­ence and crit­ics’ favorite. Espe­cial­ly lead­ing actress Pauli­na Gar­cía was cel­e­brat­ed for her charis­mat­ic, mul­ti­lay­ered and intense char­ac­ter draw­ing and deserved­ly won the Sil­ver Bear.

Target group: all
This event is gratis


This event information was updated: 2023-10-06