
Soc­cer for girls


Soc­cer for girls

The City of Karl­sruhe’s School and Sports Depart­ment, in coop­er­a­tion with the Post Süd­stadt Karl­sruhe sports club, is offer­ing a free soc­cer pro­gramme for girls as a fur­ther com­po­nent of the pro­gramme “Soziales Miteinan­der durch Sport — Vielfalt bewegt Karl­sruhe” (Social togeth­er­ness through sport — diver­si­ty moves Karlsruhe).

On Tues­days from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m., girls from 6 to 14 years of age can play soc­cer on the arti­fi­cial turf pitch of the Post Süd­stadt Karl­sruhe under the guid­ance of a trainer.

The soc­cer offer for girls can be attend­ed with­out pre-reg­is­tra­tion and is free of charge. The aim of the project is to cre­ate a low-thresh­old and sports-ori­ent­ed offer for girls.

The aim is to give girls the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have fun play­ing soc­cer, regard­less of their per­for­mance. Any­one can join in, no mat­ter how good or bad their soc­cer skills are, the main thing is that it’s fun.

Target group: (Girls from 6 to 14 years)
This offer is gratis
Hans Kyei — Nor­man Durand 
Post Süd­stadt Karl­sruhe e. V.
Ettlinger Allee 9, 76199 Tram lines S1 and S11 > Stop “Dammer­stock” > then about two min­utes walk


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This event information was updated:  8. February 2023