
Sale of fresh organ­ic veg­eta­bles from the social garden

Thursday 09:00 - 12:00

Sale of fresh organ­ic veg­eta­bles from the social gar­den in Wolfartsweier.
Every Thurs­day

Address of sales stand:
📍Wet­ter­ste­in­straße 43
76228 Karl­sruhe Wolfartsweier

On the grounds of the Social Gar­den of Arbeits­förderung Karl­sruhe gGmbH (afka), nature enthu­si­asts can enjoy a vari­ety of plants that is unique in Karl­sruhe. Over 60 vari­eties of toma­toes in all col­ors and shapes thrive in the one hun­dred meter long green­house along­side exot­ic herbs and rare vegetables.

Social gar­den

The social gar­den in Karl­sruhe has been in exis­tence since 2009. It offers sub­si­dized employ­ment for around 30 long-term unem­ployed peo­ple on the site of a for­mer mar­ket gar­den in Wol­fartsweier. The organ­i­cal­ly grown fruit and veg­eta­bles from the gar­den are donat­ed to social insti­tu­tions and food banks.


Target group: all
This offer is not gratis
Sozialer Garten
Gewann im Brühl 1, 76228 Karl­sruhe Wolfartsweier


This event information was updated:  31. July 2024