Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

Rüp­purr out­door pool — Social inter­ac­tion through sport

Thursday, 5 September 2024
17:00 - 19:45

Rüp­purr out­door pool

Swim­ming — Social inter­ac­tion through sport

🏊🏼‍♀️ Every Thurs­day the city of Karl­sruhe offers you the event Social inter­ac­tion through sport in Rüp­purr out­door pool.

Meet­ing point is in front of the swim­ming pool entrance at 17:00.
Admis­sion to the pool until 17:30 (or by appointment).
Swim­ming time until 19:45.

Entry: 1,5 €

Admis­sion for chil­dren under the age of 10 and non-swim­mers only when accom­pa­nied by an adult super­vi­sor. No super­vised offer!

📌Swim­ming take place in the Rüpurr out­door pool.

Target group: children, teens, adults
This event is not gratis
Schul- und Sportamt — Stadt Karlsruhe
Freibad Rüp­purr
Hei­del­bergstraße 1 / Straßen­bahn­lin­ien S1, S11 Hal­testelle “Schloss Rüpurr”, 76199 Karl­sruhe (Rüpurr)


This event information was updated: 2024-09-03