
Recog­ni­tion of for­eign pro­fes­sion­al qualifications


Recog­ni­tion of for­eign pro­fes­sion­al qualifications

Many migrants with for­eign qual­i­fi­ca­tions do not know how they can work in their pro­fes­sion because they lack infor­ma­tion on the recog­ni­tion pro­ce­dure. Our recog­ni­tion advice ser­vice at iku­biz offers free advice and infor­ma­tion on the recog­ni­tion procedure.
We pro­vide advice not only in Mannheim, but also in Hei­del­berg, Karl­sruhe, Pforzheim and Mosbach.

Our ser­vice for you

  • We advise you on the recog­ni­tion process. We explain the recog­ni­tion pro­ce­dure and look for the rel­e­vant recog­ni­tion office.
  • We offer advice by e‑mail, video, tele­phone or in per­son. Con­sul­ta­tions are only pos­si­ble by appoint­ment. Please reg­is­ter for a con­sul­ta­tion via webapp. If this is not pos­si­ble, you can also con­tact us by e‑mail or tele­phone. You will find the con­tact details below.
  • For the con­sul­ta­tion we need (if avail­able) Diplo­mas, lists of sub­jects, work ref­er­ences, CV. If you already have Ger­man trans­la­tions, you are wel­come to send them along. Oth­er­wise, please do not have any trans­la­tions done before the appointment.

In Karl­sruhe we can offer Eng­lish, Ger­man, Span­ish and Russ­ian.

📌 Appoint­ments by pri­or arrange­ment only

Make an appoint­ment

Karl­sruhe-Ras­tatt Employ­ment Agency, Voca­tion­al Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter (BiZ)
Rund­bau Room 110 (1st floor)
Brauer­str. 10, 76135 Karlsruhe

Inter­na­tion­al Meet­ing Cen­ter (ibz)
2nd floor, left
Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karlsruhe

 📢 Cur­rent information

Due to the large num­ber of inquiries, there may unfor­tu­nate­ly be longer wait­ing times of approx. 3 months until an appoint­ment is available.


Target group: all (Migrants with foreign professional and/or school qualifications)
This offer is gratis
Herr Anton Schukow — Frau Lau­ra Karl
ibz, 2. OG, links
Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2025-02-03