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Read­ing and con­ver­sa­tion: “The dig­ni­ty of the human being is repatriable”

Thursday, 23 March 2023
19:00 Uhr

Read­ing and con­ver­sa­tion: “The dig­ni­ty of the human being is repatriable”

The recep­tion of Ukrain­ian* refugees in Ger­many since spring 2022 is char­ac­ter­ized by great empa­thy and unbu­reau­crat­ic readi­ness of state bod­ies and civ­il soci­ety groups. At the same time, humane treat­ment does not apply to all peo­ple flee­ing from need and war. The read­ing of the book pub­lished in 2021 deals with the insti­tu­tion of depor­ta­tion deten­tion, com­bines sci­en­tif­ic analy­sis and polit­i­cal report: What is and was depor­ta­tion deten­tion? Who is affect­ed? What is the insti­tu­tion­al process of depor­ta­tion deten­tion? The author Sebas­t­ian Nitschke reads from texts on prison con­di­tions, court files and con­ver­sa­tions with pris­on­ers. After the read­ing there is room for ques­tions and discussion.

Target group: adults
This event is gratis


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This event information was updated: 2023-03-14