Monday 09:30 - 11.30
Verein zur Unterstützung traumatisierter Migranten in Karlsruhe
The association aims to promote medical and psychiatric-social care for traumatized refugees and the integration of migrants.
- We take time to listen and understand, usually with the support of interpreters.
- We provide counseling, make an initial diagnosis if necessary, provide information about the condition, and discuss support options. In doing so, we pay attention to the patients’ resources and encourage them in their self-help options.
- We arrange psychiatric and/or psychotherapeutic treatment and act as a guide.
- We cooperate with doctors, counseling centers and lawyers or contact authorities to support the asylum seekers.
- We provide a network of interpreters.
Target group: (traumatised migrants)
This offer is gratis
This offer is gratis
Dr. Katharina Corrinth
Alter Schlachthof 59, 76131 Karlsruhe
Alter Schlachthof 59, 76131 Karlsruhe
This event information was updated: 14. October 2024