
Pro­gram­ming for Refugees EduRef

Pro­gram­ming for begin­ners and advanced

EduRef is a uni­ver­si­ty group at the Karl­sruhe Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy (KIT) that offers free pro­gram­ming cours­es in Java and Python specif­i­cal­ly for refugees and migrants.

All our cours­es are free of charge as long as you ful­fill the respec­tive course requirements.

What is EduRef?

We are stu­dents and doc­tor­al can­di­dates at the Karl­sruhe Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and are enthu­si­as­tic about programming.

Edu­ca­tion for Refugees e.V. is an asso­ci­a­tion that aims to pro­vide edu­ca­tion for refugees and pro­mote inter­na­tion­al understanding.
Start­ing in August 2015, a first pro­gram­ming course for refugees called “Pro­gram­ming for Refugees” took place. Due to the suc­cess of the course, the founders Niklas, Jonas and Hen­ning decid­ed to invite stu­dents and employ­ees of KIT and con­tin­ue the pro­gram­ming lessons for refugees.
Edu­ca­tion for Refugees e.V. was found­ed in Decem­ber 2015 to sim­pli­fy the course orga­ni­za­tion and to expand the course offer­ing. We are cur­rent­ly dis­cussing how to expand our course offer­ings and try to match stu­dents with com­pa­nies look­ing for moti­vat­ed, tech-savvy people.

What is ProRef?
Pro­gram­ming for Refugees is a course offer­ing from EduRef, and so far there have been sev­en begin­ner and two advanced lan­guage cours­es with Java as the pro­gram­ming lan­guage. There are usu­al­ly two lessons per week and six to sev­en lessons per sea­son. KIT pro­fes­sors often give a guest lec­ture to show what oth­er IT-relat­ed top­ics are part of KIT teach­ing and research. To pro­mote the exchange between par­tic­i­pants and teach­ers, social events are held along the courses.

Target group: (refugees and migrants)
This offer is gratis
EduRef — Karl­sruher Insti­tut für Tech­nolo­gie (KIT)
Kaiser­straße 89, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-05-06