
Podi­um dis­cus­sion: What keeps Europe together?

18:00 , 29.05.2022

Nev­er has the Euro­pean Union been con­front­ed with greater challenges:
The Russ­ian war in Ukraine with mil­lions of refugees, the pan­dem­ic, cli­mate change, lack of resources and infla­tion are chal­lenges with unfore­see­able con­se­quences for the Euro­pean Union. What will con­nect Europe in the future and who will have to stand up for Europe? These are the top­ics the three speak­ers will address in the fifth event of the series FLUCHTZIEL EUROPA:
Pro­fes­sor Dr. Bern­hard Ebbing­haus (social sci­en­tist, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mannheim)
Mari­na Weis­band (Ukrain­ian-Ger­man pub­li­cist, Berlin)
Dr. Man­fred Sap­per (polit­i­cal sci­en­tist and edi­tor-in-chief of the mag­a­zine Osteu­ropa), mod­er­at­ed by Claus Hein­rich from SWR2 Forum.


Target group:
This offer is gratis
Badis­ches Staat­sthe­ater Karlsruhe 
Her­mann-Levi-Platz 1, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  8. February 2023