Perspektive Now!

Per­spek­tive Now!

Wednesday 16:00 - 18:00

To sup­port young peo­ple with a his­to­ry of refugeeism or migration

Per­spek­tive Now!

Learn­ing Ger­man in tan­dem and in a group of young peo­ple from all over the world,
sup­port in school, edu­ca­tion and all ques­tions of every­day life.

The project Per­spek­tive Now! of the inter­na­tion­al meet­ing cen­ter Karl­sruhe e.V. (ibz) is aimed at teenagers and young adults (14 — 27 years) with a his­to­ry of migra­tion or flight. In 1:1 tan­dem, new friend­ships are formed and inter­cul­tur­al exchange takes place. The group meets reg­u­lar­ly and goes on excur­sions togeth­er. With the project man­age­ment and in tan­dem, the young peo­ple are sup­port­ed in:

  • Learn­ing and prac­tic­ing the Ger­man language
  • Sup­port at school or in training
  • Accom­pa­ni­ment and net­work­ing for pro­fes­sion­al ori­en­ta­tion, the search for an appren­tice­ship, as well as for ques­tions regard­ing res­i­dence or labor laws
  • A group for com­mon activities
  • Get­ting to know social and cul­tur­al offers in Karlsruhe
  • A con­tact per­son for all fur­ther questions

🤝 The project Per­spek­tive Now! is also close­ly net­worked with impor­tant labor mar­ket pol­i­cy actors and thus serves as a link between com­pa­nies and trainees.

👉If you have any fur­ther ques­tions, please feel free to con­tact us at any time by e‑mail, phone or What­sApp at the num­ber below.


Office hours:
from 16:00 — 18:00 open office hours
Avail­able by phone and e‑mail from Tues­day to Friday

Target group: teens, adults (Young migrants, especially refugees, between 14 and 27 years of age)
This offer is gratis
Anni­ka Hertel
Inter­na­tionales Begeg­nungszen­trum Karl­sruhe e.V. (ibz)
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  12. March 2025