Persian course for children and parents

Per­sian course for chil­dren and parents

We have great news! We are con­sid­er­ing offer­ing a new Per­sian course for chil­dren and parents
Imag­ine: a room full of young lan­guage tal­ents dis­cov­er­ing the fas­ci­nat­ing Per­sian lan­guage together.

Whether it’s fairy tales, songs or games — we make learn­ing fun!

Are you inter­est­ed in the per­sian course?

Then get in touch with us.
Depend­ing on demand, we will decide whether the course will take place online or on site.
We look for­ward to your feedback!

Target group: children, parents
This offer is gratis
Moham­mad Rahimi
This event is online


This event information was updated:  19. September 2024