

Thursday 15:30 - 17:30

for women — ibz


Patin­nen­Pro­jekt pairs a native woman and an immi­grant woman with the aim of learn­ing from one another.
There are also reg­u­lar group meet­ings where oth­er cul­tures are explored.
Inter­est­ed women can con­tact the coordinator.

We offer you

  • Find­ing a tan­dem part­ner with whom you can meet independently
  • Accom­pa­ni­ment and advice if required
  • Reg­u­lar group meet­ings with inter­est­ing topics
  • a wide range of activ­i­ties such as a dis­cus­sion group on lit­er­a­ture and his­to­ry, cin­e­ma, dancing

Would you like to participate?
Then get in touch with us – we look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

Cur­rent­ly only tele­phone office hours: Thurs­days 15:30–17:30

Target group: women (For immigrant and native women)
This offer is gratis
Andrea Bengert
Inter­na­tionales Begeg­nungszen­trum Karl­sruhe e.V.
Kaiser­allee 12d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  20. January 2025