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Open day at the ibz

Saturday, 30 September 2023
ab 14:00 Uhr

Open day at the ibz

You can expect a col­or­ful pro­gram with music, dance, advice, deli­cious food and chil­dren’s activ­i­ties. The asso­ci­a­tions and projects in the house intro­duce themselves.

in the big hall, ground floor

14:10 Indi­an dances, Lasya Priya
14:45 Chil­dren’s choir, Turk­ish Par­ents Association
15:20 Chil­dren’s choir, Lands­man­nschft der Deutschen aus Russland
15:35 Read­ing, writ­ing work­shop ibz-PatinnenProjekt
16:10 Per­sian music, Iran­ian Cul­tur­al Center
16:35 Latin Amer­i­can music, La Peña Latina
17:10 Live per­for­mances, song­writ­ing work­shop Bildungscampus
18:30 Music and dance, chill and relax with Nubian Family

Target group: all, families
This event is gratis
ibz — Karlsruhe
Kaiser­allee 12 d, 76133 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  26. September 2023