Saturday, 30 September 2023
ab 14:00 Uhr
Open day at the ibz
You can expect a colorful program with music, dance, advice, delicious food and children’s activities. The associations and projects in the house introduce themselves.
in the big hall, ground floor
14:10 Indian dances, Lasya Priya
14:45 Children’s choir, Turkish Parents Association
15:20 Children’s choir, Landsmannschft der Deutschen aus Russland
15:35 Reading, writing workshop ibz-PatinnenProjekt
16:10 Persian music, Iranian Cultural Center
16:35 Latin American music, La Peña Latina
17:10 Live performances, songwriting workshop Bildungscampus
18:30 Music and dance, chill and relax with Nubian Family
Target group: all, families
This event is gratis
This event is gratis
ibz — Karlsruhe
Kaiserallee 12 d, 76133 Karlsruhe
Kaiserallee 12 d, 76133 Karlsruhe
This event information was updated: 26. September 2023