
Online hous­ing Search in Karlsruhe

Online hous­ing Search in Karlsruhe

There are lots of online hous­ing search por­tals. We rec­om­mend that you think about your expec­ta­tions of your future home before you start your search.
These include, for exam­ple, size (e.g. 2‑room apart­ment), loca­tion, trans­port links and rent level.
The more pre­cise­ly you know what you are look­ing for, the eas­i­er and more tar­get­ed your search will be.

Here are some examples:

🌐Immo Scout24
🌐Kleinanzeigen Karl­sruhe
🌐Woh­nung 24

If you would like to live in a shared flat (WG), you can find great offers here:


There is an online plat­form for accom­mo­da­tion for stu­dents and interns.
It is inter­na­tion­al and spe­cial­izes in rooms and shared flats for this tar­get group.

🌐Hous­ing Anywhere

Target group: all
This offer is gratis
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This event information was updated: 2024-09-11