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Musi­cal Tuishi Pamo­ja — A friend­ship in the savannah

Saturday, 18 March 2023
Sunday, 19 March 2023

Tuishi Pamo­ja — A friend­ship in the savan­nah — Musi­cal with the MikadoKinderChor

Tuishi pamo­ja (pro­nounced tuis­chi pamod­scha) is Swahili and means WE WANT TO LIVE TOGETHER.

A sto­ry about prej­u­dice, friend­ship and tolerance.

Do stripes real­ly make you stu­pid? And is it true that you can’t talk sense to long-necked ani­mals any­way? Impor­tant ques­tions for Raf­fi the giraffe and Zea the zebra. For years their herds have lived side by side, but do you think they would talk to each oth­er? Luck­i­ly, there are the smart meerkats. And the attack of the lions, which for once does some good.

The MikadoKinder­Chor under the direc­tion of Mar­ti­na Kap­pler is final­ly singing again after a long Coro­na break and is very excit­ed to bring “Tuishi Pamo­ja” to the performance.

The choir will be accom­pa­nied by the “Savan­na Orchestra”.

Advance tick­et sales exclu­sive­ly at Even­tim via, not by phone or mail. Remain­ing tick­ets at the box office.

Ein­tritt: 6 €/ Kinder 4 €

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 6 and up.

Target group: children, families
This event is not gratis
Kul­turhaus Mikado
KA-Nord­stadt, Kanal­weg 52, Karl­sruhe


This is an automatic translation. We apologise if incorrect or inappropriate wording may be found.
This event information was updated:  15. March 2023