Some instances of this event are over (1/1)

MONDO to go

Saturday, 25 June 2022

MONDO‑a fes­ti­val for every­one is this year again part of the Karl­sruher Kul­tur­som­mer under the direc­tion of the Karl­sruher Mar­ket­ing und Event GmbH. We will be on the road with the City­mo­bil from 13.15 — approx. 18.30 at var­i­ous places in the city cen­ter. Let your­self be inspired by dances and music from all over the world. Cel­e­brate with us the vari­ety and diver­si­ty of our city!
Open­ing at 1:15 p.m. at Friedrich­splatz with mul­ti-cul­ti music by the group Afia, 2:15 p.m. Mark­t­platz: Bol­ly­wood dance, Lasya Priya, 3:15 p.m. Kro­nen­platz: Mex­i­can folk­lore, Adeli­tas Tap­a­tias, with a wel­com­ing speech by Lord May­or Dr. Frank Men­trup, 16:15 Friedrich­splatz: Greek dances, Syl­l­o­gos goneon 17:15 Mark­t­platz: Capoeira, Abadá-Capoeira Karl­sruhe , 18:15 Friedrich­splatz: Latin Amer­i­can dances, Wayra.



Target group:
This event is gratis
Ver­schiedene Plätze in der Innenstadt
, Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated:  8. February 2023