Landsmannschaft of Germans from Russia

Migra­tion coun­sel­ing for adult immi­grants (MBE)

Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday 13:00 - 17:00

For immi­grants and their families

The MBE addresses:
–Adult migrants aged 27 and their fam­i­lies with a long-term res­i­den­cy sta­tus 3 years after coming
– Migrants under 27 with typ­i­cal adult problems
– Par­tic­i­pants of inte­gra­tion classes
– Migrants who have already been liv­ing in Ger­many for a longer peri­od with a spe­cial need for inte­gra­tion help services
– Eth­nic Ger­man reset­tlers and their families


Spon­sored by


Target group:
This offer is gratis
Anna Kastal­ion, Anna Scheifel
LmDR e. V.
Schef­fel­str. 54, 76135 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  8. February 2023