
Meine Grüne Stadt Karl­sruhe — My Green City

My Green City Karl­sruhe — Sus­tain­able “pitch-in“ projects

Togeth­er we can make Karl­sruhe sus­tain­able. We can devel­op and imple­ment green ideas. Per­haps you may orig­i­nate a neigh­bor­hood gar­den, con­sti­tute ener­gy com­mu­ni­ties, make sport cours­es in parks, orga­nize neigh­bor­hood fes­ti­vals or green your res­i­den­tial street? With “Meine Grüne Stadt” (My Green City) the city admin­is­tra­tion of Karl­sruhe sup­ports civ­il “pitch-in” projects in the fields of nature, cli­mate and health. Do you have an Idea for a sus­tain­able Pitch-in Project? Give us a Call!

Target group: all
This offer is gratis
Susanne Gern­er
Stadt Karl­sruhe — Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz
Mark­grafen­str. 14, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  26. July 2023