
Meet­ing Points for Moms and Dads

Moth­ers’ Cafés, Par­ents’ Cafés, “Start Point” Par­ents’ Cafés, Breast­feed­ing moms and Fathers’ Meetings

The dif­fer­ent meet­ing points for par­ents and fam­i­lies offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get in touch with oth­er parents.

Fly­er to down­load

Target group: children, parents
This offer is gratis
Kinder­büro Fach­bere­ich Familienbildung
Kinder­büro Fach­bere­ich Familienbildung
Südend­straße 42, 76135 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  8. February 2023