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LiNK-Pitch in Straßburg!

Friday, 31 May 2024
15:00 - 18:00

Do you have a social or entre­pre­neur­ial project in the cross-bor­der region of Grand Est — Baden Würt­tem­berg that you would like to publicize?

Or per­haps you are inter­est­ed in the projects that are being devel­oped in your region?

Then vis­it us at the LiNK Pitch, an after­noon ded­i­cat­ed to project ideas in the cross-bor­der region.
There is room for exchange and dis­cus­sion: the LiNK Pitch takes place in a con­vivial atmos­phere where every­one can present their project and find solu­tions to the chal­lenges they face. 💬🎤
If you don’t have much expe­ri­ence with pitch­es, our team will be hap­py to help you pre­pare a pitch and answer your questions.

We pay for the tick­ets between Karl­sruhe and Strasbourg
👉 Reg­is­ter now for free here

Target group: (Anyone who has a social project or social initiative)
This event is gratis
Juli­ette & Tom
5 rue la coopérative, 67000 Stras­bourg, Frankreich


This event information was updated:  23. May 2024