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Latin Pic­nic for woman

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Latin Pic­nic — Karl­sruhe Lati­na Tribe

Sum­mer is here and with it, the per­fect time to enjoy the good weath­er and sun­ny days! ☀️. What bet­ter way to take advan­tage of this sea­son than get­ting togeth­er for a deli­cious pic­nic? 🧺🌟 That’s why this Sat­ur­day we are orga­niz­ing a pic­nic exclu­sive­ly for Lati­na women. We want to invite you to join us and spend a won­der­ful day full of laugh­ter, good food and spe­cial moments.

To make this pic­nic an even more enrich­ing expe­ri­ence, we encour­age you to bring your own food and drinks, and if you feel like shar­ing some­thing deli­cious with every­one, don’t hes­i­tate to do so! It will be great to try dif­fer­ent dish­es and enjoy the vari­ety of fla­vors we all have to offer.

We have also cre­at­ed an exclu­sive What­sApp group to orga­nize this pic­nic. In our fea­tured sto­ries you will find the link to join. It will be the per­fect space to keep in touch, share ideas and coor­di­nate the details of the event.

We want this to be a spe­cial moment for all of us, where we can strength­en the bonds of friend­ship and sup­port each oth­er. You can’t miss it!

If you know oth­er Lati­na women who might be inter­est­ed in join­ing, feel free to share this invi­ta­tion and the What­sApp group link. The more the mer­ri­er, the more enrich­ing our expe­ri­ence will be.

Get ready to spend an amaz­ing day at our Lati­na wom­en’s pic­nic in Karl­sruhe! We are wait­ing for you with open arms!

Target group: women (Latina women)
This event is gratis
, Karl­sruhe


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This event information was updated: 2023-06-13