
Lan­guage coach­ing — job-relat­ed German

Lan­guage coach­ing — job-relat­ed German

Due to a lack of lan­guage skills, appli­cants often find it dif­fi­cult to suc­cess­ful­ly estab­lish them­selves in the Ger­man job mar­ket. From writ­ing a job appli­ca­tion to estab­lish­ing con­tacts with com­pa­nies — job inter­views are often unsuc­cess­ful due to a lack of Ger­man lan­guage skills, even if the appli­can­t’s pro­fes­sion­al apti­tude is good.

In our indi­vid­ual coach­ing we sup­port you on your way into the job. Acquire job-relat­ed lan­guage skills and start con­fi­dent­ly in the Ger­man job mar­ket. Our expe­ri­enced instruc­tors not only present the­o­ret­i­cal con­tent, but also prac­tice putting what you have learned into prac­tice togeth­er with you.

Tar­get group

  • Migrants with access to the labor market
  • Unem­ployed asy­lum seekers
  • Tol­er­at­ed per­sons with access to the labor mar­ket or good prospects of remain­ing in the country
  • Per­sons enti­tled to asy­lum and rec­og­nized refugees

Ger­man lan­guage skills of at least lev­el A2 are required for lan­guage coaching

Course times

The coach­ing times can be set individually.
At least 2x 45 min­utes per week

Fund­ing opportunities

A pro­mo­tion of our offers is possible:

  • with acti­va­tion and place­ment vouch­er from the Employ­ment Agency
  • with acti­va­tion and place­ment vouch­er from the job cen­ters (SGB II)
Target group: adults (Language coaching - job-related German Migrants, asylum seekers, recognized refugees)
This offer is not gratis


This event information was updated:  6. September 2023