Language Café in Karlsruhe
Some instances of this event are over (4/4)

Lan­guage café in Karlsruhe

Friday, 15 November 2024
Friday, 22 November 2024
Friday, 6 December 2024
Friday, 20 December 2024

Yolan­da and Lena invite you to the lan­guage café in Karlsruhe!

We meet every two weeks 📆 on Fri­days at 15:00 in the 📍Impact room of Steamwork.
Peo­ple of all Ger­man lan­guage lev­els are welcome.
We pre­pare an excit­ing top­ic for each meet­ing and want to encour­age every­one to expand their vocab­u­lary and speak.

We look for­ward to meet­ing you!

Each ses­sion has a top­ic (e.g. hob­bies, house hunt­ing, clothes, etc.), which is sup­port­ed with vocab­u­lary, pic­ture cards and videos and then prac­ticed in small dia­logues. The aim is to speak freely. Depend­ing on the moti­va­tion of the par­tic­i­pants, a top­ic for the next ses­sion can also be giv­en so that the learn­ers can cre­ate a small vocab­u­lary diary and pre­pare phras­es, chunks and words to prac­tise in the fol­low­ing ses­sion. Excur­sions are also under­tak­en. For exam­ple, if we are talk­ing about ani­mals, we can go to the zoo or nat­ur­al his­to­ry muse­um or go on an excur­sion in the region.

The lan­guage café in Karl­sruhe is part of the “Men­schen stärken Men­schen” project and is fund­ed by the BAFzA (Fed­er­al Office of Fam­i­ly Affairs and Civ­il Soci­ety Functions).

📎 Fly­er

👉🏽 If you would like to bring chil­dren, please let us know in advance.

Target group: all (All people who want to speak better German)
This event is gratis
Lena Maiß
Impact-Raum von Steamwork
Roon­straße 23a, 76137 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2024-10-29