Time by arrangement
Time by arrangement
Time by arrangement
For labor market integration for people with unsecured residence status
Spurwechsel — labor market integration
Both tolerated persons and persons with permission to stay have been in a kind of limbo for years. The legislator has created a legal basis for tolerated persons in the right of residence in order to be able to grant a secure right of residence in the form of a residence title if sustainable integration is established after many years of residence.
We advise you in detail with the aim of building up a perspective of the right to stay and thereby enabling successful integration into the labor market.
In particular, we will develop solutions for you that will lead to the implementation of the right to stay regulations envisaged by the legislator.
Together with you, we will draw up a so-called integration roadmap, which outlines in a comprehensible and written form the concrete steps that need to be taken in order to open up prospects for a right of residence with the help of the new legal regulations.
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The project is supported by the City of Karlsruhe and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of Baden-Württemberg with funds from the European Social Fund.
This offer is gratis
Kaiserallee 12d, 76133 Karlsruhe