
House of Cul­ture Mika­do e.V.

Pro­mot­ing cul­ture, civic engage­ment and per­son­al ini­tia­tive, and cre­at­ing a place for communication

The pur­pose of the asso­ci­a­tion is, among oth­er things, the pro­mo­tion of art and culture.
Goals of the asso­ci­a­tion are :
Pro­mo­tion of dis­trict cul­ture and work
Strength­en­ing of com­mit­ment and initiative
Pro­mo­tion of culture
Con­tri­bu­tion to inter­na­tion­al understanding
Pro­mo­tion of own creativity
Involve­ment of dis­ad­van­taged people
Offers of socio-polit­i­cal education
Work with chil­dren and young people
The Kul­turhaus as a place of communication

Office hours:

Tues­day 16.00 — 18.00

Target group:
This offer is gratis
Kul­turhaus Mikado
Kul­turhaus Mika­do e.V.
Kanal­weg 52, 76149 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated: 2023-02-08