
KA° — We make climate.

Cli­mate Plat­form Karlsruhe

KA° — We make climate.

And a bet­ter one. This is what the cli­mate cam­paign of the city of Karl­sruhe stands for. Because we can all pro­tect the cli­mate in our every­day lives and make a dif­fer­ence with just a lit­tle effort.
The cam­paign focus­es on “Every­body can do solar” and “Par­tic­i­pate for tomor­row” and bun­dles excit­ing local infor­ma­tion on impor­tant cli­mate issues of the future. Inspi­ra­tions for a cli­mate-friend­ly life can be dis­cov­ered in the action data­base. The blog lets you immerse your­self in sto­ries, takes you to excit­ing places and to inspir­ing peo­ple from our city — with con­tri­bu­tions all about #know­ing, #dis­cov­er­ing and #chang­ing. Numer­ous city and civ­il soci­ety activists and peo­ple inter­est­ed in cli­mate change in and around Karl­sruhe are involved. And in the future, the KA° com­mu­ni­ty will be cre­at­ed here, where we can inspire each oth­er and exchange ideas.

On the home­page (cli­mate plat­form) there is per­ma­nent infor­ma­tion about cli­mate pro­tec­tion in every­day life. In addi­tion, we orga­nize ana­log events in the field of cli­mate pro­tec­tion from time to time.

Target group: all
This offer is gratis
Gina Rez­mann
Stadt Karl­sruhe, Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz
Mark­grafen­straße 14, 76131 Karl­sruhe


This event information was updated:  6. September 2023