
Job fair for migrant women

Monday, 28 October 2024
9:00 - 12:00

For migrant women

This is your chance to shine! Join us for a job fair where you can meet employ­ers and learn about job opportunities.

The Dis­trict Inte­gra­tion Office of the Karl­sruhe Dis­trict Office brings migrant women into con­tact with employers.
At a job fair, migrant women can ask employ­ers all about work­ing in their com­pa­nies. The aim is for migrant women to find a job, an appren­tice­ship or an internship.

The offer is free of charge and with­out registration

Require­ments for migrants:
✅ At least A2 lan­guage skills in German
✅ Cur­ricu­lum vitae (please bring it with you!)

👉🏽 Please also take a look at the free sem­i­nars to pre­pare for the job fair

📎Down­load the flyer

Target group: (for migrant women)
This event is gratis
Car­men Görl
Bruch­sal Com­mu­ni­ty Center
Am Alten Schloß 22 , 76646 Bruch­sal


This event information was updated: 2024-06-17